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Hi to all of you out there with a pectus deformity.
I am a Greek pharmacist that lives and works in Sweden 2 years now.Since my adolescense ,age of 15-16 ,i have been struggling with a pectus deformity,which is called pectus carinatum as i discovered later.My pectus carinatum influenced a big part of my life especially my personal one and made me feel less and inadequate.A bumb of about 6 centimeteres in the right side of my chest played a negative role that should never play.I always tried to fix it either with weight lifting and proper protein nutrition or with clothing that would hide and conceal the problem.It was only 3 years ago,after extensive google searching when i found out not only that there are many individuals with the same agonizing problem but that there is also a surgical procedure out there promising a pectus carinatum free life.This procedure was immediately ranked in my top 5 priorities.
In Europe the first choice to have the operation would be in Berlin by professor Klaus Schaarschmidt and his team. I had read many reviews and experiences from other patients before took the decision to undergo the procedure in Germany.All the expenditure were paid by a loan i had taken from a swedish bank and my personal savings ,and there is also a possibility to get back some of the money or even the whole amount when i hand over the receipts in the swedish health system.So as you can realise i was really determined to get rid of this obstacle in my life no matter what.
The surgery was planned for the 26th of July after having exchanged several emails with the doctor who also evaluated the severity of my condition through some photos taken by me.I arrived in Berlin 2 days earlier with my parents ,both of them stayed in a pension located nearby.I was admitted to the clinic one day before the surgery in order to do some necessary preliminary tests like x-rays ,blood testing... and also in order to be properly examined by the doctor.The surgery lasted about 4,5 hours as my parents explained later.The most important things to notice through my days in the intensive care are that the pain management was amazing.the nurses were very helpful and supportive and my progress and improvement were much faster than i could ever imagine.The pain was effectively controlled via en epidural and the only somehow painful activity was to do breathing exercises with 2 drains inside my chest.Moreover one common and the only complication that occurred was air between my chest and left lung which was treated by the re-insertion of the left drain that was probably too early removed.Other positive aspects to notice are that i walked from day one and that the overall pain experience is already a distant blur memory -only 2 weeks have passed since i had the surgery-.After the intensive care i was moved to the children department where i stayed for 5 days.Things there were much easier there considering i was significantly much better psysically .
The results of the surgery are very satisfying however not perfect -i dont know if they could ever be so.There is still a small bumb which the doctor said that can be fixed together with the bar removal and the reattachment after 2-3 years.However my chest is 90 percent normal so i am satisfied with the results and would definately recommend the procedure by drSchaarschmidt to all of you that are thinking having it.3 things you also must have in mind are that you will wear a special bandage for about a month,you must do your breathing exercises everyday for a month and last but not least it is possible to live a life without pectus carinatum -i am one of the many living examples.Thank you dr Schaarschmidt.!!!

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Carinatum
Date of initial surgery/procedure
July 26, 2016
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