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9.5 48 10 0.5
Surgeons 40400
post pectus excavatum
Overall rating
Ease of Correspondence with Doctor
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Clarity of Doctor's Explanations
Accuracy of Doctor's Predictions
Doctor's Apparent Knowledge of Procedure
Doctor's Availability During Recovery
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I had my first surgery in 2012 where I got one bar in my chest. At this time I was 24 years old and had a Haller-Index of 7,9. So I was really missing a lot of space in my chest for my lungs and heart. Over the years the impact of PE to my body and fitness increased every year, I was weak-minded if I should take the risks of a surgery to hopefully get better afterwards or not. That process took me 2 to 3 years then I was strong-willed to do it. The first meetup with Dr. Schaarschmidt was very informative he explained the whole process from inserting the bars over the regeneration process. I had a good feeling that he is absolutly the right man. Also the hospital is very modern and professional, I never had a bad feeling about doctors, nurses or the used equipment and tools.
After the first surgery it will took a while to regenerate and to become accustomed to the bar in your chest. But I recognized immediately that I was able to breath as free as never could before. The whole Team at Klinikum Berlin-Buch did a extraordinary good job the whole time I spent there. Over the first weeks and month I felt better and better. In my case I was able to go to work (office job) after 5 weeks and after 6 weeks I stopped eating painkillers, was not the best idea to stop them so fast but worked for me. Doing sports was way more fun and helped a lot to get fit.
Over the years sometimes I recognized that there is a bar in my chest, but I had no pain and didn't need any painkillers. That time was great I could run as I couldn't never before, I ran my first half marathon in that time. So I was very happy and had a whole new quality of life. After 4 years I called Dr. Schaarschmidt office to make an appointment for the second surgery to get the bars out. A few weeks later I checked-in at Klinukum Berlin-Buch again and got the bar removed, after the second surgery the regeneration time was shorter and I were able to go to work (still a office job) after two weeks. The best thing is that it feels like I could now breath more free than with the bar and overall body feeling is way better after the bar is removed, so I was happily surprised that it is now better with the bar and the chest is stable enough to stay in its form and not falling back to PE. At the bar removel he also fixed some litte cosmetic issues and after the second surgery is also looks very normal.
After all I am happy that I decided to get rid of PE with the Nuss procedurce well done by Dr. Schaarschmidt and his great Team.

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
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