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9.5 48 10 0.5
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I had a Redo NUSS with Prof Schaar. so far I can say it looks awesome, or even beyond my expectations ...
I had a NUSS operation back in 2011 and had the bar in me for 8 years and when it came out my chest sunk back in straight away so I start looking for different options to fix that and contact him again.

I am so glad that I done that first I wanted to meet him in person and to discuss the whole thing so he was so kind to arrange an appointment where he explained me everything that I needed to know plus his visions and reasons to do the procedure his way which made much more sense to me ..
I will say that that specific meeting made me to find the money and pay him for a redo operation with him ...

everything was very simple we arrange a date I payed the money and arrived in the hospital on agreed date ... he came to meet me which was very relaxing (considering the fact it is a foreign country for me) and on the next day we went to the operation ... where Prof Schaar. came to see me again ...
after that I was put to sleep and wake up ...
Honestly I wake up in extreme pain which was handled by the stuff professionally in no time ....
and Now the fun begins I realised I had something enormous where my chest suppose to be I started to ask honestly isn't that a bit too much but as soon as I manage to see myself in the mirror I realise that it is not too much it is exactly how it suppose to be with nothing less and nothing more ...

I spent few days in Intensive care unit where my condition was monitored all the time and by all the time I mean ALL the time for example at some point I felt knoxios and seconds after a nurse was storming my room with proper medications ...

what else I can say all the hospital stuff was extremely experienced ... I cut off the pain killers after the first night and I can say I receive many injections and not even one of them was even remotely painful or even uncomfortable even when they removed the draining tubes from me .

after that I was moved to my room where I start recovering even faster oh yes I can say I was recovering surprisingly fast I can measure my recovery by days or even by hours and minutes and I am dead serious ...

I had some plastic things to exercise my lungs so I can say there was around of 500ml improvement between morning and evening lets say I started at around 2000ml few days after the operation and finished above 5000ml. when I was discharged ...
I had physiotherapie few days I was not able to do something i the morning at the therapie BUT in the evening I was doing it freely ...
Honestly I had the operation at 3rd of Jan I was discharged at 13th and I can say that I am feeling good enough to go back to my work (with the previous operation I had that feeling lets say after more than 6 months) so you can compare 6 months before to a week post op now the only reason to not go is because Prof Schaar. advice me wait more ....

OK I have a lot to say and probably I am missing a lot but I will try to summarize Prof Schaar. is awesome my regret is that I did not have the money to go from the beginning with him ...He definitely see what and how should be done so you can achieve a maximum result .He was always there I was manage to see him pretty much each day after the surgery ... My recovery is miraculously fast I had a 16" bar inside me my chest looks normal and as soon the draining tubes was outside of me I was feeling fine to do everything and you can imagine how surprised I was comparing it with my previous experience last time when that time was more than 3 months ... My voice is much more dense my posture better It is not painful to stand up long hours ...Hospital Staff was very experienced and caring ....

Yes I would recommend Prof Schaar. to anyone who needs an op and even will be better to go with him even if you have to pay his knowledge and experience are on another level .. and you can see that by your recovery ...

I will stop now but if anyone want to ask me something please feel free to do so I am now 16 days post op so I can fill more or update later on(picture and etc .)now I am giving him 10 /10 (just because I can not give more)

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