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Review Detail

9.9 54 10 0.5
Surgeons 56467
Overall rating
Ease of Correspondence with Doctor
Doctor's Friendliness and Courtesy
Clarity of Doctor's Explanations
Accuracy of Doctor's Predictions
Doctor's Apparent Knowledge of Procedure
Doctor's Availability During Recovery
Rate Your Cosmetic Outcome
Would Recommend to Others
Without a doubt one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life! There are so many things I could say here but this is a surgeon review of Dr. J....

Dr. J. is a wonderful surgeon who is easy to talk to, understands the condition, explains exactly what needs to be done and deserves all the accolades being lavished on her in these reviews but her entire team is top notch. I got on a plane and flew thousands of miles because of my total faith in Dr. J and her staff and I was not disappointed. I highly recommend anyone looking to have a PE correction to contact Dr. J at the Mayo Clinic.

And now just some ramblings about my personal experience:

I had, for lack of a better term, PE induced Heart Failure. My body had been working with about 65% heart function for ... no one knows how long... but I would say 10 to 15 years looking back at how I had been feeling.

My pain level from the actual procedure was ZERO. The only reason I have a 5 as my highest pain level and not a ZERO is because I had a lot of trouble with constipation, gas and bloating during my last day in the hospital (caused by the pain medications) and YES, the pain from gas and bloating was THAT BAD.

Had my surgery performed on the 15th of October, released from hospital on the 17th, final check on the 21st, flew home on the 22nd and here I am totally pleased with the results and other than the problems with constipation (which I still have, heck it's only been a WEEK) I have not felt this good in a long time (YEARS, if not DECADES)! I sleep through the night, wake up feeling refreshed and look forward to a future of improved health and more energy. And also, an aesthetically pleasing chest that I do not fear showing to others.

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
Nuss Procedure
Current Bar status
Bars still in
Date of initial surgery/procedure
October 15, 2013
Length of time since initial surgery/procedure
1 week 3 days
Require 2nd surgery/procedure?
Age at time of surgery/procedure
Days in Hospital
Covered by Insurance?
Mostly Covered
Highest Pain Level Experienced
Would you do it again?
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