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Dr. Dawn Jaroszewski

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Great Experience
(Updated: June 21, 2015)
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We first noticed my pectus when a teammate asked me what was wrong with my chest, within minutes of researching I learned of pectus excavatum and decided to see a doctor about it. He diagnosed me with pectus excavatum and told us that it was pretty much cosmetic but that it could be fixed with surgery. After taking a couple of tests and a CT-scan we discovered that it was causing pressure on my right ventricle. After this we decided that surgery needed to be done, the aforementioned doctor told us he performed the surgery, but he seemed inexperienced and I didn't want a man who thought that pectus excavatum was only a cosmetic deformity to perform such a difficult procedure on me and I was not able to put my chest and life in his hands. I wanted not only a surgeon who knew and understood everything about the deformity, but I also wanted the best. So, after researching, we discovered Dr. J who seemed to meet the above criteria. After contacting her we decided she was the one and went ahead and scheduled the operation a year in advance.

My whole life up until this point had been perfectly healthy, I had only even been sick a handful of times, much less had surgery. So, for over a year, the operation loomed over me, constantly stressing me out and many times leaving me wondering why I was putting myself through this, but I always knew I had to do it. Finally, over a year after scheduling, the day finally came to fly all the way across the country to Arizona, in the 105 degree weather to have bars ran into my chest. I was scared, more scared than I've ever been in my life, but the next morning at the pre-op appointment I met Dr. J and her team. Dr. J is such a nice and caring person, and it was surreal to finally meet her. After their explanations my fear was gone. When we arrived at the Phoenix Children's Hospital we signed in and were almost immediately taken into the pre-op room where I met all the people who would be involved in the operation. Next, they gave me something to calm down, took me back, and put me to sleep.

When I woke up I looked at the result and was amazed, it was perfect. I had a pretty deep asymmetrical pectus with some pretty bad rib flare, but she fixed it all. I wasn't really sure what to expect but I'm sure if I had expectations she would have exceeded them. I can finally walk around without a shirt unembarrassed, she has made my chest perfect and I now have a body to be proud of and comfortable in. My care team was also great and my pain only rose above a two a couple times when I got in and out of bed and when they removed the chest tube. My team helped me heal and was always there when I needed them and were always very friendly. Within four days I was able to leave the hospital. I am now coming up on three weeks post-op and my pain is a lot lower than I expected and is getting better everyday. There have only been a handful of times when I've experienced any bad pain, and overall this has been a great experience, I would definitely recommend Dr. J to anyone young or old, no matter how bad your deformity is. Dr. J is truly the best.

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
Nuss Procedure
Current Bar status
Bars still in
Date of initial surgery/procedure
June 02, 2015
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Mostly Covered
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This surgeon gave me my life back. Two years prior to visiting her office I had underwent my first Nuss procedure under another surgeon. It was an absolute nightmare. She placed an implant which was profoundly too large in a location no where near my actual deformity She would not acknowledge any type of mistake in her work It was my own intuition that even allowed me to find someone who could help me, as the first surgeon attempted to convince me everything looked great. I was on pain narcotics the entire time I sought a second surgeon from the resulting over-sized implant, that actually caused Pectus carnitum.

Finding Dr. Dawn Jaroszewski gave me my life back. She took out the old implant (17") an placed two 14" bars in the actual location of my P.E. She is exceptionally talented and did for me what other surgeons were afraid to do. The entire experience was extremely pleasant. Between her skills, her surgical teams abilities, and the outstanding hospital stay, there is nothing more a person could ask for.

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
Nuss Procedure
Current Bar status
Bars still in
Date of initial surgery/procedure
April 17, 2014
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Mostly Covered
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Would Recommend to Others
Could not ask for a better surgeon or better experience, After the failure of my first procedure by another surgeon, I did not know where to turn, From point of initial contact through the post-operative phase, Dr. J, her team and Mayo clinic have gone above and beyond my expectations. I would not trust my PE or life in any other hands.

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
Modified Ravitch
Date of initial surgery/procedure
March 07, 2013
Require 2nd surgery/procedure?
Date of 2nd Surgery
July 07, 2014
Age at time of surgery/procedure
Covered by Insurance?
Mostly Covered
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Couldn't ask for a better surgeon
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Doctor's Apparent Knowledge of Procedure
Doctor's Availability During Recovery
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My pectus developed while I was going through my teenage years. I started having other physical issues like shortness of breath, fainting spells, and what my family doctor diagnosed as exercise induced asthma. I didn't realize that all of these symptoms I was having were related to the pectus until I read a thread on reddit about "things that are weird about your body" and some people were talking about having 'holes' in their chests and someone replied that you could have surgery for that and so I started following the links and reading more about pectus and the physiological symptoms it can cause and the Nuss procedure. Well that started my journey toward surgery. The challenge was finding a surgeon who was experienced in the nuss procedure on adults. Long story short, after meeting with two other surgeons in Texas, I found Dr J's videos and info online and put in a request through Mayo's website to have her office contact me. It wasn't long before Kelly Myers, the pectus coordinator, called and was so helpful in walking us through all of the steps that we needed to take, what to expect, etc. I felt so relieved when Dr J accepted my case. Both she and Mayo have great reputations. I mean, she helps train other surgeons in this procedure! My mom and I flew out to Phoenix for the surgery in December. Since my chest was asymmetrical and my Haller Index was 6.25 Dr J said she probably wouldn't be able to get it perfect, that one side would probably be a little lower than the other, but she was actually able to to get it almost perfect. I do have some rib flare still on the left side (the side the dent was on) that I guess she couldn't do anything about but, overall, I'm very pleased. My surgery was on a Friday and I got out on Sunday, so a relatively short hospital stay. I don't think the pain while I was in the hospital ever got above a 2. The nurses were great and all familiar with the procedure so they were able to give explanations and tips. My mom and I stayed in the Residence Inn there in the hospital campus and I had a couple of issues while there that caused my pain level to shoot up fairly high briefly but, for the most part, it was manageable. If yiu get the hiccups or have to cough or sneeze it hurts like crazy, though! Six days post op were were able to fly back to Texas. Dr J was really easy to talk to, listened to your questions and concerns, and explained everything in an easy to understand way. I felt very comfortable with her and confident in her ability. Kelly was also very helpful. Dr. J's whole team was very friendly and helpful. Oh, and she's from Texas! I'm 5 weeks post op now and off of all Meds except occasional Ibuprofen. There is still some pain, but nothing too bad. Mostly just trying to get used to the bars. Overall I'm really pleased with my overall experience and am looking forward to feeling better than ever!

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
Nuss Procedure
Current Bar status
Bars still in
Date of initial surgery/procedure
December 19, 2014
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Age at time of surgery/procedure
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Mostly Covered
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Doctor's Apparent Knowledge of Procedure
Doctor's Availability During Recovery
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Would Recommend to Others
After how wonderful Dr J. and her staff have been to me, I felt compelled to write a review and contribute to help others with Pectus conditions who might be looking for answers just as I had been.

I had lived with Pectus Excavatum my entire life. Up until this year (2014), I had no idea it even had a name. Every Doctor I came across Never knew what I had. I always asked "what is this in my chest and how can I fix this?" In response I was always told "it's a deformity, and you just gatta live with it". I finally decided to research for myself and I'm glad I did. A youtube video led me to find Dr. J.

After visiting Mayo clinic in March of 2014, I had full confidence in Dr. Dawn. Four months later in July, I was back in Phoenix for my Nuss procedure. Since the staff made me feel so comfortable, I wasn't scared to have the surgery; Rather I was relieved & excited. When the Surgery was over and I woke up I was happy, thirsty, and my pain level was surprisingly very low. After a couple days, my recovery was moving along quite rapidly . The nurses were also all wonderful people, attentive, and always there when you needed a hand. On a scale of 1-10 what my pain level never surpassed 2.

Dr Jaroszewski, Dr. Neel, Kelly, Marianne, and the whole staff are truly wonderful people. They are kind, informative, caring, and knowledgeable. Everyone makes you feel comfortable and welcome. They know everything there is to know about Pectus conditions. If you've had questions all your life, Dr. J and her staff have the answers. Most importantly, they all sincerely care about each and every one of their patients.

Almost 4 weeks into recovery, and I'm truly happy. I don't have to worry about being at a loss of breath doing simple tasks or be concerned about taking my shirt off at a pool or beach. Dr. Dawn is a grade A Surgeon and the entire staff at Mayo Clinic are a fantastic group of people. I'm thankful and blessed to have come across the Mayo clinic.

Your Pectus Information

Pectus Excavatum
Pre-Surgery Haller Index
Nuss Procedure
Current Bar status
Bars still in
Date of initial surgery/procedure
July 17, 2014
Require 2nd surgery/procedure?
Age at time of surgery/procedure
Covered by Insurance?
Mostly Covered
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